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Import data into Swimm

We imagine that you likely have lots of docs spread across multiple apps and files. Rather than creating new docs from scratch, you can import all your existing documentation into Swimm. This will ensure that your docs will be easy to find and stay up to date.

How to import data​

Step 1​

Click Create button in the top right corner of your repo page on Swimm.

Step 2​

Navigate to the Import tab and choose one of the different options in the hub:

  • Upload .md files
  • Repo import
  • Notion import
  • Confluence import

Step 3​

Follow the import wizard’s instructions to begin importing your data.

Instructions for each import option​

Upload .md files​

Follow these instructions to import Markdown files from your computer:

  1. Navigate to the Swimm workspace where you'd like to import your markdown files.
  2. Next, go to your Swimm repo page and click the Create button in the upper right-hand corner.
  3. Go to the Import section and select the Upload .md files option.
  4. Click Upload and select the .md files you wish to import. Note that you can select multiple files.
  1. Follow the import wizard instructions.

Repo import​

Follow these instructions to import Markdown files from your repository:

  1. Navigate to the Swimm workspace where you'd like to import your markdown files.
  2. Next, go to your Swimm repo page and click the Create button in the upper right hand corner.
  3. Go to the Import section and select the Import option.
  1. Select the .md files you wish to import from your repo.
  2. Follow the import wizard instructions.

Confluence import​


You must be an admin of the space in Confluence in order to export content from Confluence.

If you are not an admin, you can copy and paste the contents of the docs you would like to import.

Follow the instructions below to import Confluence data:

First, export your Confluence space to HTML.​

  1. Log into Confluence and choose the space you want to export.
  2. Select Space Settings on the left sidebar.
  3. In the Manage Space section, choose Export Space.
  4. Select HTML from the list of formats.
  5. Select Custom Export and un-check the Include Comments box.
  6. Select which pages you want to export. Keep in mind that large attachments will complicate the export process and size.
  7. Wait for your export to finish. This may take a while.
  8. After the export is done, click Download here to save it to your computer.
  9. You will see a file titled something like, where XXXXXX is a sequence of digits

Next, import your Confluence space to Swimm.​

  1. Navigate to the Swimm workspace where you'd like to import your Confluence content.
  2. Next, go to your Swimm repo page and click the Create button in the upper right hand corner.
  3. Go to the Import section and select the Confluence import option.
  4. Click Import.
  1. In the file picker, navigate to the .zip file exported from Confluence in the previous step, and select it for upload. Unzipping the file is not required.
  2. Follow the import wizard instructions to complete the import process.

Notion Import​

Follow the instructions below to import Notion data:

1. Export your Notion space to Markdown files.​

  1. Log into Notion and choose the workspace you want to export.
  2. Go to Settings & Members at the top of your left-hand sidebar.
  3. Select Settings in the sidebar of that window.
  4. Scroll down and click the Export all workspace content button.
  5. In the Export format, select Markdown & CSV
  6. Un-check the Create Folders and Sub-folders box.
  7. Click Export.
  8. Your download will begin automatically, and you'll also receive an email from Notion with a link to download your files.

2. Import your Notion space to Swimm.​

  1. Navigate to the Swimm workspace where you'd like to import your Notion content.
  2. Next, go to your Swimm repo page and click the Create button in the upper right hand corner.
  3. Go to the Import section and select the Notion Import option.
  4. Click Import.
  1. In the file picker, navigate to the .zip file exported from Notion in the previous step, and select it for upload. Unzipping the file is not required.
  2. Follow the import wizard instructions to complete the import process.

This document is automatically kept up to date using Swimm.