Export Swimm docs
Export to PDF
To optimize document sharing and compatibility across extended teams without direct Git integration, we recommend using Pandoc, a universal document converter, to export your Swimm documentation.
Since Swimm docs are created in Markdown format, Pandoc enables easy conversion to a variety of document types, such as Microsoft Word, HTML, PDF, LaTeX, and more. This flexibility is key for teams without traditional version control, facilitating collaboration on technical documentation.
Install Pandoc
To install Pandoc, follow the instructions on the Pandoc installation page.
PDF Conversion with LaTeX
To generate PDFs, Pandoc converts files to LaTeX and then to PDF. You'll need a TeX distribution like MacTeX.
We recommend installing it via MiKTeX. With the option
, you however can specify other programs for this mask.
Because a full MacTeX installation uses four gigabytes of disk space, we recommend BasicTeX or TinyTeX and using the tlmgr tool to install additional packages as needed. If you receive errors warning of fonts not found:
tlmgr install collection-fontsrecommended
With the option--pdf-engine
, you however can specify other programs for this task.
We recommend installing TeX Live via your package manager. (On Debian/Ubuntu,
apt-get install texlive
.) With the option--pdf-engine
, you however can specify other programs for this task.
Convert to PDF
To convert a Swimm document to PDF, use the following command in your terminal:
pandoc SwimmDoc.[hash].sw.md -o ConvertedSwimmDoc.pdf
Pandoc is highly customizable. You can control the look of your PDF by creating a custom LaTeX template or by using command-line options to specify document elements like headers, footers, and font sizes.
Unicode Support
LaTeX can handle a wide range of characters, but support for full Unicode, especially for less common characters or emojis, can be limited without additional packages or configurations. Here are a few ways to address this issue:
1. Remove or replace Unicode characters
- The simplest solution might be to remove or replace the Unicode character(s) causing the issue if they're not essential to the document's content.
2. Use XeLaTeX or LuaLaTeX
- XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX are more modern versions of LaTeX with better Unicode support. You can tell Pandoc to use one of these for PDF generation with the
--pdf-engine option
Terminal command with --pdf-engine option
pandoc SwimmDoc.[hash].sw.md -o ConvertedSwimmDoc.pdf --pdf-engine=xelatex
3. Specify a Font That Supports the Unicode Characters
When using XeLaTeX or LuaLaTeX, you can specify a font that includes the Unicode characters in question. Use the --variable mainfont="Font Name"
Terminal command with --variable mainfont
pandoc SwimmDoc.[hash].sw.md -o ConvertedSwimmDoc.pdf --pdf-engine=xelatex --variable mainfont="DejaVu Sans"
Customizing Documents with Pandoc's Header Option
The --include-in-header=header.tex
option in Pandoc can be used to customize the appearance and functionality of PDF documents generated from Markdown.
LaTeX commands such as \usepackage{fontspec}
for font customization, or \usepackage{listings}
for advanced code formatting, can enhance the readability and aesthetic of exported documents. This approach is ideal for creating technically detailed documents with specific formatting requirements for fonts and code blocks.
Example 1: header.tex
file with listings
\setmainfont{DejaVu Sans}
\newfontfamily{\fallbackfont}{Noto Color Emoji}
breaklines=true, % Enable line wrapping for long lines
basicstyle=\ttfamily\small, % Set code font size
columns=fullflexible, % Use flexible spacing between characters
tabsize=2, % Sets the tab size to 2 spaces
frame=single, % Adds a frame around the code block
framesep=5pt, % Distance between frame and code
xleftmargin=5pt, % Left margin
xrightmargin=5pt, % Right margin
captionpos=b % Caption position at the bottom
Example 2: header.tex
file with fvextra
package + Verbatim
To enhance the display of source code in your Pandoc-generated documents, consider the fvextra
package, which enables fine-tuned customization of Verbatim environments
and allows for flexible line breaking, essential for maintaining readability in code blocks.
Example 3: header.tex
file with fvextra
The fvextra
package, when integrated with Pandoc, provides robust control over verbatim text presentation, including features such as breaklines
and breakanywhere
, ensuring that long code lines wrap and don't spill over the margins of your document.
\fvset{breaklines=true, breakanywhere=true}
Terminal command including the header.tex
file and PDF engine xelatex
pandoc SwimmDoc.[hash].sw.md -o ConvertedSwimmDoc.pdf --pdf-engine=xelatex --include-in-header=header.tex
Terminal command including the header.tex
file and PDF engine lualatex
pandoc SwimmDoc.[hash].sw.md -o ConvertedSwimmDoc.pdf --pdf-engine=lualatex --include-in-header=header.tex
This document is automatically kept up to date using Swimm.